Weird World..:-O

by Friday, March 29, 2013 0 comments
Recently I came across showroom..nah I'm nt gonna describe it..there I saw a poor child..a beggar not able to even eat a full meal..reason it's a no brainer isn't it..? Money..!
And there i also saw a rich fat child.. Bulky whatever u call him..eating a dairy milk silk..yumm...and the worst part..throwing it half eaten..!
Then only I realized day in dis fast changing world only one thing is for sure to happen and that is "CHANGE"..!
But sadly that word doesn't seem so true fr poor people..!
In fact the harsh reality is that the rich get richer nd poor get poorer..! Nd there is no light fr them at end of tunnel..! No helping hand..!
We in fact I try to help them as much as possible but it's not a one man army..u know..!:-(
Only way to cut dis disgusting chain is ..again it's a no brainer isn't it..?
But it's easier said than done..!
We need to create awareness among poor people dat making small children work may earn them small profits today..! But nt on long term basis..!
So lets make it happen..!
And let me quote dis wonderful line of Ms Mother Teressa before signing off:

"We think that a small drop doesn't make much of a difference in a big lake..but if that drop isn't there then that lake would be without that small drop"



Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.


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