Success and Ambition...are they related..?

by Sunday, June 02, 2013 3 comments
So are they related..?
It feels like ages since i wrote my last blog..but in reality it's only been a few weeks..!Rightly so..i was so busy going to a function..then came my cousins to my home..there was hardly any time for me to write one..!So back to business now..!We all  hear the great inspiring stories..about the success of this person,that person..and about ambition too..!being a massive soccer fan it reminds me of a situation..a situation where a footballer leaves a football club for another..and if asked about the reason..he revealed he had greater ambition...yeah yeah..Robin van persie..left Arsenal(club i still support) for Man United..!But it makes me feel to wonder weather Success and Ambition are related to each other..!If there is no ambition..will there be any kind of success in his path....and if success isn't it necessary that he/she had no ambition in him..?In a journey all that matters is the end..but is ambition a part of it.?

Some may feel it's a fair enough argument to say that without ambition there is no success...rightly has been said by the great Bill Bradley:
         "Ambition is the path to Success"
 But what i feel is that ambition may be the unsung hero..but it is not the only thing that plays part in success.I feel ambition is the catalyst behind success..i totally agree..!But there are many more of them behind ambition too..!A puzzle consists of many pieces not one or two of it..?!!And i consider Success to be a Puzzle..a bigg one..!A puzzle which expands or contracts depending upon the Ambition of a person...ones who want to keep moving forward may have a bigger puzzle to solve...but the hunger to move forward is what Ambition least this is what i think..!

Ambitious Fish..!
But some may say hard work is the key to Success more than anything else..!But then again hard work and ambition are related too..! Aren't they..?Without ambition how can an individual work hard enough to achieve his/her goals..?!It reminds me of another great quote this time by Bill Cosby:
"I don't know the key to success,but the key to failure is trying to please everyone else"
 And if one doesn't have ambition..this is what happens..!Sure hard work is needed for everything...but ambition provides that path..!

So for me..Success and Ambition are two words which are well and truly related with each other..!Success is not guaranteed if one keeps on dreaming...yeah yeah i want to beat Bill Gates in terms of wealth..haha..but the path is equally more challenging...!He(Bill Gates) worked hard enough for this day to come..and most importantly had an ambition as high as possible..!We can dream right..?But hard work is necessary too..!There is no substitute for it but surely has a coach called Ambition..! :-D



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