'Life is pretty awesome! Haha yeah it is!' Were the words going on in my mind! Got a new electric guitar! Although I spent all my pocket money on it! Hahah! But I'm quite happy to spend on it! Haha
So did I find my grove back? No more tired matches of football, no more sitting in my room and wondering what have I got to do with the society and all that stuff!,no more nights of frustation?!,no more thoughts regarding weather I'll actually be able to have that cutting edge! And much more blah blah stuff! Haha!.
It was all going well for me! The schedule I made for myself was pretty tiring but I was enjoying every second of it! College,gym,guitar classes,drum classes and then the practice and studies in the midnight! Haha! It was like I found myself again! I found that drive, that determination!, that hunger!, I was pretty happy!
But then I realized it was all because of the new electric guitar I bought! Aah love! Thanks a lot! 😘 you'll always be my first love, and no one else can take your place! Not even a real life love! Haha yeah! You are my best friend, my go to solution! Thanks a lot again,Love!
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