JK Rowling is a Genius!.

by Tuesday, June 09, 2015 0 comments
So yeah i was scrolling through some random websites and yeah these are the pictures that i found. I can't really add anything to this post but, one thing i can do is,sit and admire the beauty of this series. 
And while many of us can only imagine these quotes being said by those fictional characters just by seeing the pictures below, many readers can figure it out too, and yeah there won't be a single harry potter fan out there who has read all the books of this series but hasn't watched the movie, haha so it makes little or no sense. 
So where was i, aah yes, i was reading a book(yeah that's what i do in my free time since i am free from my personal commitments at least for a week, and i am a private guy so i can't really tell what those commitments are!, and it won't matter as well since the guys clicking on this link would like to be more interested in the post rather than my personal life, haha) "Murder at the Rutherford hall" by PB Kolleri, aah what a book it is. I like the detectives, i like the cases and all the drama involved in it and the suspense right until the end, and it takes something, that X factor to be able to write well and make readers glued to their beds or sofas or couch or whatever, haha!. And since I've read the harry potter books too,i really admire the way she wrote all this stuff!, and would like to take my hat off and bow down in front of her!. hahahaha!.



Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.


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