Does Politeness means Flirting these days..??

by Tuesday, July 23, 2013 2 comments
Hangout Group !!
So we are teens right..?And whats the most common Mantra..or what do you call it Trend amongst us..?Partying,Outings be it for a it for the happiness felt..when Exams are over..or any other reason..but we want to enjoy..and we do not accept any excuses for it..!!And rightly so...this is the age to enjoy...for hangouts..!!Another Trend which most of the teens follow is may sound a bit  unfamiliar to some..but it's what all the guys do..flirt with girls...and some girls flirt as well..but the number is a bit low..!! But where there is good..there is always a bad as well...these outings are still common amongst fact more than common..!

On one hand....people flirt with each other..get on with it..,think this is what it's all about to be a teenager..and on the other hand...these flirtings lead to disappointing who is to blame for all these situations..??The bitter fact is...we ourselves don't know the answer to it...we ourselves don't know weather we flirt or not...we ourselves can't make up our mind...!!

Should I ?!
After some disgusting events...which recently took place in India...everyone seems to a girl child must be given extra protection..extra care..!!
"Hey don't go alone..!!"
Okay I agree with it too...a girl should be given every possible right to be safe...but does that mean that now she shouldn't talk to any guy....can't guys be just friends...and if a guy is polite enough towards a girl...does that mean he is flirting...and if a girl talks to a guy....also does it mean that now she is flirting..??? Questions are many..but answers aren't..!!
It all depends on how a guy or a girl takes it into his/her account...all that matters is how you view it...your perspective is what matters most..if you have right intentions..then you don't need to fear anyone..!
There's an old saying :
Change your Thoughts...Change your World !!

Nowadays...every girl is so conscious that if a guy says hi...,talks to them...,sometimes compliments you..just because he is your classmate..or knows you...they immediately dwell into conclusions that..."he wants to flirt with me"...which I believe is a good..a very good fact every girl should do's better to cut the relationship in early stages...but what if the guy doesn't have those sort of intentions..?? Because of all these disgusting events..our society has become such of a kind that...if a girl takes these measures.."yeah it's good..girls should be safe..!".
And if a guy thinks the same to a girl...What will happen then..?? Nobody will believe him...So the point is...we as teenagers follow the trend which is set up nowadays...but...if somebody is mistaken for no reason at hurts..even be it a guy..!!I'm not saying girls should talk to every guy she knows....but they should think twice before spotting weather a guy is a flirt or not..!!

Ooh Yess !!
One one hand...they try to be as secure as possible..and on the other hand they talk with guys...and if a polite guy...or what do you say...ones who respect girls...nowadays seems to be a flirt..!!No no not the ones who roam with girls !!...the ones who are polite..,respect girls..are considered flirts.!! Politeness/Kindness has become such a rare breed of personality that now every thinks it's a new way of Flirting..!!Sad but true it is..!! #WierdWorld
Gentlemen are those who do what they Should do not what they Want to do !! 
This sums up everything in a simple line..!!



Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor.


  1. Talk to know The Mindset of that person Not to know the interests of that person and to take advantage .... I Myself believe that one who talks a lot has a clear thinking ...
