What makes Apple so special..?

by Wednesday, April 03, 2013 0 comments
Top of the game for some time now.
Apple the name which signifies a brand,a buisness which always manages to blow others out of the water and be one step ahead in the competition.It's also is the most valuable company in the world.So what makes it so special and what does it have which others don't..?Lets look at the analysis:

Steve Jobs

The first thing that strikes in everyone's mind when one talks about apple..well there are no prizes for guessing..yes Steve Jobs.He is the mastermind who created such products with a unique design and an easy to use interface that too in 2007 which other companies are struggling to match till date.He came up with new and innovative ideas to simplify user experience and redefine smartphone experience.

Laetst version of iOS
Calm down guys it's not the latest apple product..well by now everyone of us know that apple products start with an 'i' be it an iPhone or an iPad or an iPod.But they are the first products with such names.Not only they have their unique names they have an unique user interface as well called the iOS,latest version of it being iOS6.For the first time in smartphone history apple created a personal assistant called Siri for iPhone4S(now available for iPhone 5 and iPad 3 as well)..and that took the world by storm(i've used it and believe me words can't describe it).

Classy Design
iPhone 5
Another factor which enhances an apple product is it's premium finish...be it an iPhone an iPad an iPod or even a Mac PC you will get a premium finish for sure..!one you'll love to hold.They are built of glass(mostly all of their products) and metal(i'm talking about the iPhone5) giving a perfect experience to hold one could get.From my personal experience of an iPhone 5 it does'nt get any better than this...surely at this moment.Apple claims it designs screens that are just about the perfect fit for a hand,this may angry some people who are fans of large screens like the ones of samsung galaxy note 2 which has a 5.3 inch display.But apple has a valid point as well,they say that a regular thumb can access the full screen of the present iPhone 5  but the same can't be said of galaxy note 2.

App Store
Apple app store
In today's fast moving world our smartphones can even calculate the amount of calories we've burnt in a workout.But who started it all guys..yes you've guessed it right..Apple.When it comes to applications apple is the undoubted king of it.The wide range of applications one has on offer is just awesome.It has over 8,75,000 apps and still counting.Be it children,adults,old age people there is something for everyone infact more than something.Games,magazines,books,iTunes,podcasts the list can go on and on and on...one can argue that android has apps as well but it's the quality which matters not quantity and there was never any doubt about it.



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