What GOD actually is to all of us ??

by Saturday, August 17, 2013 0 comments
Almighty !
God..a familiar word isn't it..?In fact more than familiar..!! Whenever someone says..i'm a believer in God..whenever we see a priest..or some religious people..what's the first reaction we get ? We think Oo man...he/she should be given respect..!Because we think he/she is doing the right thing by praying to God !.
But then again...we also come across people who are Atheists...who never ever believe in God...!They might not get the uttermost respect..but they don't get the stick from others either..!!Everyone is so busy with their lives nowadays..who cares what others think..and that too about a topic which doesn't even involve them..?!But what does it actually mean to all of us..?!Do we pray just for the sake of profitable returns..? Or do we actually Pray for peace..?!

Really ?
For some people or mostly the general consensus among people...God is like..it's like everything to them...they praise him if they succeed...keep on organizing devotional events...form clubs involving these kind of people...!They are the so called Theists.They can do virtually everything for the sake of God...even donate huge amounts of sum for building temples etc..!But these all things are only possible for the rich..aren't they..?The cycle goes like this..
Rich people donate money...help the associations..when they succeed,because they themselves worked hard..but they often tend to say.."All because of the almighty" !!.Because they are already rich..what else do they want now..? Fame..yes Fame is what they want..not everyone..no offence..but most of them surely do..and God is the ultimate way to get that..!!.But what about a poor guy..who is a theist as well..?! Does he also want fame..?Can he be able to live a peaceful and luxurious life just because he believes in God let alone donating huge amounts of money..?!The answer is No !!.There's a common saying about God's Blessing :
Don't worry,god is never blind to your tears,never deaf to your prayers and never silent to your pains !!.
So..if this is the case..then why do we find hundreds of beggars outside just for the sake of two full meals a day..?!Aren't they feeling the pain..?!Pain of hunger..pain of weakness..?!!And on the other hand why do we hear the news about corruption,black money..!?What have they done so good..to be awarded with such wealth which poor people can never ever think about it..?! No one knows the answer..!!

Wish i could !!?
But what i feel is...Nowadays..God is just the source of putting our burdens..!!Just a mere excuse to escape the exposure we get..For students..it's like..
"Hey God please make sure i get good marks in tests"
"wish i got a new mobile phone..umm Samsung galaxy S4 maybe !!"
..for adults..it's maybe like
"God make sure i can be able to get a new house,a new car"...
some woman are like "wish i get a diamond necklace on my birthday"..
.true situations these are..!!
Rather than concentrating on what we should do..we just think..lets pray to God..we'll get that..!
But the bitter fact is..we don't even know weather God is there or not...but we surely believe in the mercantilism from it though..!!
And sometimes if we do succeed...we are so Euphoric..that we tend to forget the God...!
If we were to forget God in the end..then why do we pray in the Beginning..??!! Because we fear the challenge...and tend to think..God will help us !..and save us from the failure we might face..!!!.
Well..we ourselves are dubious..!! till date i don't know weather God is there or not.....maybe because i never asked any help..not sure about others..!!.but if he's up there...shouldn't we be returning his favor by at least thanking him for the help he did to us..?!.and if he's not there..we shouldn't be asking for his help either !!!.

Better Tomorrow !
But then again..we say..The Almighty God created the World...okay..science apart..let's assume he created it..he created the violence as well ?..he created cruelty ?..there are people waking up on the other side of the world to a day of godforsaken hatreds..has he created it too..??!! Every second a new person dies..every second a child is getting a disease...every second murders are going on in this ever increasing vast world which is well on it's way to a deleterious end...and is God the one and only way to put our blame on..??!!there are so many blind people out there..they believe in God as well..but it ain't a devotional movie..or is it..?!!.where a savior..an angel comes..and heals him.. !! ..If we believe in God..he's there for us..and if we succeed..we tend to thank him...just because we believe in him..and prayed to him before...and those who do not...they live the same life as well..the ones who are rich get richer...and the ones who are poor get poorer..what can God do..?!Perform a miracle. ?!..remove the poverty..!! save our mankind..which has gone blind for money...?! Well he can't..!! We have to get on with our lives...as the old saying goes :
Never be Afraid to trust an Unknown future to a known God !!
There lies a huge meaning in this small line !!This topic can go on and on and on..but there has to be some sort of conclusion...and We...yes We are the conclusion to it...We are the ones who are to travel the journey of the life...so rather than putting the blame on God..let's put it on Ourselves..to make a better future for Us and the Society..!!



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