I've given my exams for the 5 semester, 3 more to go and then, umm then? I'm done with the bachelors degree. I'm done with a degree which I never really craved for, never really cared for and never really had wished for, but anyway since I'm more than halfway through into the journey towards the "Be an Engineer" path, I have to finish off what I've started.
What i wanted was a degree in the field of Music, guitarist to be more precise, I wanted to become a Rhythm Guitarist and do journalism, or become a football writer side by side,engineering never really was my cup of tea, but I somehow gave all the exams, which dates back to the days of my school, I even gave my IIT main exam and just fell short of like 3 marks, I got 110 and the cutoff for IIT advance was 113. And back then it never really mattered to me, since I was never really the guy who got mad over marks, and I'm still the same though, marks never really matter to me, but since I'm giving a test I want to do well, sometimes I do and sometimes don't, and I'm happy I have a carefree attitude towards it, otherwise, who knows in what kind of depression I would've been in?,I mean think about it, missing IIT advance by 3 marks!,Who wouldn't have gone mad over it? I still don't care about the pointers and the marks and stuff.
I just..I just want to do what I love and I love writing and Playing guitar, and since I love watching football too, I love writing about football.
There's a common saying about Aeries,yeah I'm an Aeries according to that star signs and all that shit, I never really believe in all those things, but it says that an Aeries either gives 0 fucks or 100 fucks, it all depends on in what kind of state they are currently in, and I'm pretty sure how many I give for this "Path" that I've chosen. And I never really liked Amity University as a college,not because I don't have any friends or all that, I just don't like going to a place where, my heart doesn't give the go ahead orders, but I've to carry on with that for another 3 semesters.
But I'm kinda starting to love this field as well, whenever I'm done with my semester exams, I feel like falling into love with Engineering but then I see, guitar hanging on my the wall stand, and I'm like, f**k that shit I'm gonna play guitar for the next few hours or so!.
One and a half year left, I don't know what the future holds for me, no one knows, but I'm gonna make the rest of my life, the best of my life!.
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