
by Saturday, January 17, 2015 0 comments

*sits in front of a heater with a blanket and headphones on!*
So yes, I was at the gym these days! I kinda like the gym nowadays! I somehow managed to increase my diet, and when I say i increased it, I mean..yeah really!
Wednesday's and Friday's I'm like really exhausted, but still I need to tick off all the boxes to be able to sleep peacefully in th night!
One day In the class,while listening to the HOD(head of department) yes, he is the subject teacher for this semester! -_- he teaches Analog Communications, anyway so yeah while listening to him in the class, he usually says 'students clear GRE and fly to United States and earn dollars there!'All he does in an hours lecture is to explain the glamorous things  he did..and blah blah! But I need to listen to him, because he is the HOD! Haha
But okay he earned this respect! He did his Phd and now he rightfully earns my respect! So hats off to you sir! Haha 
And then,suddenly I realised everyone will clear their GRE's and fly to US and yeah so will I, hope so! But then again I want to be a bit different from others!
Actually I wanted to be a Guitarist! Engineering was never really my cup of tea! Although no one forced me to take this field! It was just me thinking I could become....maybe I can achieve more in this field! And yeah when I say achieving more, I mean the recognition, the passion  the dream being fulfilled not the money and the Fame everyone is after these days! 
I kinda like to be in all fields though! So maybe engineering is my cup of tea! 
I learn Drums even though I learn Guitar! I play Football even though I love playing chess a lot more!( I haven't played football or chess for more than 5 months now haha). So maybe yeah I can be a guitarist and successfully do a job simultaneously! Yeah I'll be a musical Doctor! And when I say doctor, I mean yeah I wanna do my PHD from..blah blah blah! And this is my passion too! But maybe my passion is a bit more towards my Guitar! But anyway I'll do both if possible! Haha! :).



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